Write Your Way

LI Tip: Your Name and Pronouns

This month’s LinkedIn Tip: Your Name and Pronouns    Did you know you can add your personal preferred pronouns to your LinkedIn profile? Perhaps you’ve seen some of your connections already with (She/Her) or (He/Him) or (They/Them) appearing after their names and wonder how you can set yours up, too. It’s quite simple! And along

LI Tip: How to Ask/Give Testimonials/Recommendations

This month’s LinkedIn Tip: How to Ask/Give Testimonials/Recommendations    Testimonials / recommendations from past clients, coworkers, bosses, and so on, add a bit off that ‘awesomeness’ aspect to your profile. Having people talk about you in their own words goes a long way to building the know-like-trust factor with people you’ve yet to work with.

LI Tip: Save Your LinkedIn Data

This month’s LinkedIn Tip: Save Your LinkedIn Data    Did you know you can download all your LinkedIn activity, including your connections? If you’re building your network, that information is valuable, and it’s easy for you to collect it. Go into Settings & Privacy from the dropdown under “Me” when signed into your LinkedIn Profile,

LI Tip: Reach Out and Make New Connections

This month’s LinkedIn Tip: Reach Out and Make New Connections    I’m betting that you’re always finding a post or a comment you find intriguing when you scroll through your feed. And I also bet you check out profiles now and again — how often do you come across a person you want to connect with…and don’t?

LI Tip: Turn Off ‘People Also Viewed’

This month’s LinkedIn Tip: Turn off “People Also Viewed”   When you first create a LinkedIn account, the default for profiles contains a column (on the right side of the page) that shows a list of profiles your visitors visited after stopping on your profile. What this does is it gives your profile visitors *many*

LI Tip: Personalize Your LinkedIn URL

This month’s LinkedIn Tip: Personalize Your LinkedIn URL When you first create a LinkedIn account, the URL is system generated and isn’t pretty, such as: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lisa-j-jackson-7b653b42/ But it’s simple enough to clean it up so it’s easy to remember — and to share with others! Isn’t that much better? How to change the URL: How